Peruvian Cross-Cultural Shamanic Medicine Wheel Program: A Transformative Journey
with Gwendolyn C. Natusch, Shamanic Practitioner
The Shamanic Medicine Wheel program is an inner journey of healing, awakening and transformation. It is a spiral path that has no beginning and no ending. It aligns with the four directions on the Medicine Wheel and is held by the sacred energies of the Upper World (Creator Energy) and the Lower World (Mother Earth). This path and training is an experience of remembering our true nature, of our growing into our maturity, our true adulthood and ultimately and resultantly, of opening and awakening to who we really are and our true destinies. It is a journey that asks us to participate with our heart and to call our courage to the task. The Medicine Wheel Journey is a path for those seeking deep, transformative healing and for those seeking the same healing as well as certification to become a Shamanic Practitioner.
As souls we come to Mother Earth, to this physical realm, and we intentionally forget who we are and the purpose and destiny we have chosen for our earth life. We live behind a veil of forgetting in order to evolve here in this physical and ordinary reality. As our life unfolds as a human being our experiences accrue and most of us become attached to our stories, experiences, patterning and conditionings and we identify ourselves through these. These beliefs, these reflective neuropathways that have been created in the brain as a result operate subconsciously, and sometimes consciously, and weave together like a tapestry that influences and defines how we perceive our reality and who we are.
In this Medicine Wheel Shamanic Practitioner Training Program we begin by becoming conscious of our identification of those influences that do not support our joys, our true self, our aliveness and our sense of personal empowerment. We begin by releasing, shifting and transforming beliefs that no longer serve us. We transform our perceptions and clear our luminous energy field of the patterns of beliefs that began in this life and past lives. In this process we experience transformation and healing and gain a more authentic sense of self and wholeness.
In the process of this journey on the Medicine Wheel we begin to remember and reconnect to our highest destiny. As we open our heart and experience a deeper way and our true self and Source we heal and step into wholeness. As we become more whole and authentic through this process we become deeply connected with Spirit/spirit. We organically begin to perceive those realms of Love and Light that are non-ordinary and those spiritual helpers who have come to guide, connect and be in relationship with us spiritually as we travel the medicine wheel and beyond.
For some this ability has always been with them and perhaps have not understood or not found direction or application for in their lives or experiences. In this program you will learn shamanic skills for focusing your intuitive skills that will allow you to focus, apply and track energy for yourself and clients. You will discover impeccability and integrity at a higher level as a result of your transpersonal intentional work in this course.
As you connect energetically with those in the spirit who are your guides and allies, in the worlds of non-ordinary reality, you will discover and feel their love, support, teachings and way showing from those invisible realms that are outside of time and space.
During this training you will receive powerful energy transmissions that are known and the Munay-Ki Rites which re-informs and activate our DNA and our luminous energy field (our light body). As our own luminous energy field frequency rises in vibration we become more open to see, hear, and perceive wisdom from Spirit that are direct divinations to you.
All of this prepares us for what comes next on this path. Now you are ready to move beyond the context of personal healing and grow into being of service for the greatest good of others and for yourself. It prepares you to step into your highest destiny. When we come from a place of humility, respect and gratitude for all of life then we are ready, willing and committed to step up as caretakers and stewards of the world around us. This is the power that connects us directly to the source of creation and can only be held by those who have taken the journey!
At this time in history there is a great awakening of consciousness on planet earth. Your journey on the Medicine Wheel helps all to heal, awaken, and to step into our collective destiny!
This shamanic practitioner training unfolds over the course of one year. The program is comprised of 8 Pre-training, individually completed assignments at home and four weekend intensives that are both experiential and hands on work that encompasses inner healing, insight and technique acquisition as the training moves through the medicine wheel.
Come & Experience this transformative journey and be changed, lighter, and walking your destiny path!
2021 Medicine Wheel Dates:
One-year Medicine Wheel Program over the course of four weekends.
Weekend One: February 18 – 21, 2021
Weekend Two: May 20 – 23, 2021
Weekend Three: August 19 – 22, 2021
Weekend four: November 18 – 21, 2021
Costs & Payment:
1. Peruvian Cross-Cultural Shamanic Medicine Wheel Program
The cost of the Medicine Wheel Journey is $400 per weekend, adding up to a total cost of $1,600.00 for the complete training.
2. Self Paced Email Course: Foundational Shamanic Skills and Tools
The total cost for the eight Email Course Pre-Assignments is $30.00 per assignment or a lump sum of $240.00.
There are 8 Parts to this course and it is completely self paced. You work via email but it is a direct relationship and connection with Gwendolyn
who is the instructor and guide for this learning. This is a great course for anyone to acquire the foundational skills to begin your personal spiritual practice of shamanism.
It is also a wonderful way to prepare for the Peruvian Cross Cultural Shamanic Medicine Wheel with Gwendolyn C. Natusch, M.Ed., MSW.
Payment Options Peruvian Cross-Cultural Shamanic Medicine Wheel Program
There are payment options for each. Please select the appropriate PayPal button below:
Complete Training – 1 payment of $1,600
Four Individual Payments per Weekend – 1 payment of $400 each weekend
12 Payments of $134.00
Self Paced Email Course: Foundational Shamanic Skills and Tools
The total cost for the eight Email Course Pre-Assignments is $30.00 per assignment or a lump sum of $240.00.
There are 8 Parts to this course and it is completely self paced. You work via email but it is a direct relationship and connection with Gwendolyn
who is the instructor and guide for this learning. This is a great course for anyone to acquire the foundational skills to begin your personal spiritual practice of shamanism.
It is also a wonderful way to prepare for the Peruvian Cross Cultural Shamanic Medicine Wheel with Gwendolyn C. Natusch, M.Ed., MSW.
You can choose to pay weekly, or pay the total sum in a one-off payment. Please choose the appropriate PayPal button below:
A One-Time Payment of $240.00
Individually Paced – 8 payments of $30.00
Note that cash, money orders and checks are also useable payment methods. We do not accept credit cards.