Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Readings


Dear Reader,

Doing intuitive readings has been part of my practice for over 15 years. I was trained as a psychic medium under the tutelage of David Merritt on Martha’s Vineyard. I was fortunate enough to have the benefit of four years of training, learning and practice. As many intuitives will share, I, too, have been communicating with Spirit since childhood. What sets me apart from many psychic or intuitive readers is that I apply my shamanic abilities to the work and information that comes through. The outcome of this is healing.

My readings are not just about the mundane everyday, but are comprised of a higher perspective regarding your Soul and your journey here on earth which includes, often, your destiny journey. The information provided by Spirit in a reading will guide you, identify your strengths that bolster you and challenge areas that may be blocking your movement forward. Once these are identified there is often a shift in perspective and healing that comes as a result.

My work as an intuitive also has included, for the last decade, training of groups and individuals in the development and understanding of their intuitive, psychic, mediumistic and other forms of tapping into a higher source of information.

It is always an honor to work with clients in this way and to witness their journey.

If you are interested in a reading, please call or text 508-560-6891.

Intuitive readings will last anywhere from an hour to 90 minutes. Zoom, phone and Skype are available for sessions.

The cost for an intuitive reading is $125.00. Methods of payment are cash, check or PayPal.

Warm Regards,
